Corporate Communication and Marketing
An organization without a communication and marketing specialist risks its success... It is vital to have a professional who creates external image of an organisation and a new brand, always knows how to answer journalists' questions, helps with communication between management and employees, investigates market and consumer behaviour. What kind of person could do that?
The desire to communicate, always be in the middle of events, ingenuity and creativity are of course advantages of the organization's communication and marketing specialist, but the necessary preparation is guaranteed only by the Organizational Communication and Marketing Study Programme implemented at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija.
During your studies you will discover your field, because you will be able to choose from two alternatives – communication and marketing fields. Another advantage of the programme is many hours dedicated to strengthening the language skills.
Studies at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija can be combined with work – both in full-time and part-time mode. Individual needs are acommodated on a case-by-case basis.
Why in Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija?
The communication specialist prepared at Šiaulių valstybinė kolegija will be able to work in any type of organisation in Lithuania or abroad, will not only be skilled with modern internal and external communication tools and methods, but will also be able to apply them in order to achieve the marketing objectives of the organisation, create and maintain the image of the organisation, present the organisation to the public, communicate and cooperate with partners and customers of the organisation, and will be able to act creatively and constructively in a changing environment. Individual subject topics are taught by the social partners in the study process, i.e. teachers who come from foreign higher education institutions, part of the study programme is carried out in English.
Admission requirements
Applicants whose secondary education attainment is at least 50% of their country's maximum assessment are accepted.The applicants have to know the foreign language in which the studies will be carried out, at no lesser than B1 level (according to the European language levels). Advantage – certificate of international foreign language exam (IELTS not less than 5,0 or equivalent).
More information: Admission
Further possible career paths
Access to professional activity |
Graduates work as communication, marketing communication specialists, public relations specialists, public relations specialists, press representatives. Graduates can do communication work (including organisational, managerial) in a variety of organisations: business, manufacturing or trade, education, media, advertising, publishing, tourism, leisure and entertainment industries, architecture and urbanism, cultural and artistic organisations; develop individual creative industries business projects; provide advisory services of internal and external communication organisation; and apply modern information and communication technologies. |
Access to further study |
Graduates can continue their studies in Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions in communication, information, and management study fields second cycle study programmes. |
Study programme information
Mode and duration | Full-time – 3 years, Part-time – 4 years |
Study Programme national code | 6531JX017 |
Scope of the study | 180 credits (ECTS) |
Language of instruction | Lithuanian, English |
Field of education | Journalism and Information |
Group of study fields | Social Sciences |
Study field | Communication |
Qualification degree and (or) qualification to be awarded | Professional Bachelor of Social Sciences |
Chairman of the Study Programme Committee | Head of Management and Communication Department Laima Naujokienė, email, tel. +370 41 52 50 51. |

Objectives of a study programme and intended learning outcomes
The aim of the Programme is to prepare a communication professional capable of planning and managing the internal and external communication of an organisation, researching the market and consumer behaviour, designing and implementing marketing strategies, and possessing leadership, teamwork and organisational skills, a broad range of erudition, critical thinking, and media literacy, and able to develop their professional competences through life-long learning.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and its application. Graduate – |
1. Knows and understands basic communication concepts, is able to describe theories and models that analyse the organization's internal and external communication processes. 2. Knows theories of social sciences (law, ethics, psychology, philosophy, etc.) and how they can be applied to ensure the protection of copyright and consumer rights in creative services and products. 3. Understands the regulatory and self-regulatory systems of modern communications, their functions, marketing types, the impact of marketing environment forces on the marketing activities of the organization. 4. Is able to apply theoretical foundations for subjects providing practical knowledge of the field of activity (sociology, statistics, information and communication technologies, etc.), allowing analysis and evaluation of the activities of organisations at local, national and global level. |
Research skills |
5. Is able to conduct applied research, while selecting and adapting methods, to process data using modern information and communication technologies, and to critically analyse and interpret research results, in accordance with the ethical principles of social sciences research. |
Special abilities. Graduate – |
6. Is able to identify, critically assess and independently develop various types of communication content. 7. Is able to develop and implement communication plans, to adapt the elements of the marketing complex to the target market, taking into account behavioural factors and interests of consumers, and to foster the image of the organisation. 8. Is able to select different communication channels, apply different media tools, creative techniques, public and mass communication technologies, realising organization's communication and marketing objectives in a changing environment. 9. Is able to manage the organization's internal and external communication, marketing elements, independently and within the team, while applying the principles of strategic communication. 10. In accordance with the rules on the protection of personal data, the protection of copyright and related rights and norms of professional ethics, seeks to ensure the protection of the copyright and consumer rights of creative services and products. |
Social abilities. Graduate – |
11. Effectively communicates in writing, orally and visually, is able to work in a team, while planning and implementing communication and marketing activities. 12. Addresses professional tasks in accordance with professional ethics and legal norms, while applying human, financial and time resources management capabilities. 13. Applies social responsibility competences in communication and collaboration with professionals of related area, the public and domestic and foreign partners. 14. Understands the differences in intercultural communication related to values, attitudes and behaviours based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender and age, and is able to communicate in foreign languages. |
Personal abilities. Graduate – |
15. Is able to carry out a variety of professional, creative, self-expressive and innovative activities in a changing environment, in accordance with the principles of freedom of expression, social responsibility, protection of human rights and other principles of democracy and civil society. 16. Is able to critically assess and reflect personal professional activities and implement lifelong learning principles. 17. Is able to make decisions independently, plan ones activities and seek goals, while revealing leadership qualities and adapting to changes |
Study subjects (modules) and practical training
Full-time study subjects and practices are presented here. Part-time studies last 4 years, the sequence of subjects may vary.
I Year | II Year | III Year |
1 Semester | 3 Semester | 5 Semester |
2 Semester | 4 Semester | 6 Semester |